NEPA/ Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) 1/3/2014
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1.1. Vicinity Map
1.2. Ocean Bar Realignment
1.3. Sand Tube Groinfield
3.1. Lots Available for Relocation Retreat Alternative #2
3.2. Potential Sand Source Areas
4.1. Study Area Biological Resources
4.2. Study Area Physical Monitoring
4.3. Study Area Delft3D Modeling
4.4. Bald Head Island Shoreline Positions (1855 to 1926)
4.5. Bald Head Island Shoreline Positions (1926-1989)
4.6. Bald Head Island Shoreline Positions (1989 and 1996)
4.7. Existing Habitat Area Mapping
4.8. Habitat Area Mapping Potential Sand Sources (1)
4.9. Habitat Area Mapping Potential Sand Sources (2)
4.10. Ocean Hardbottom Mapping
4.11. NC Marine Fisheries Commission Primary Nursery Area Mapping (1)
4.12. NC Marine Fisheries Commission Primary Nursery Area Mapping (2)
4.13. Lower Cape Fear River Watershed, Basin 03030005
4.14. Lower Cape Fear River Subbasin 03030005050010
4.15. CAMA Land Use Plan Existing Land Use Map
4.16. CAMA Land Use Plan Future Land Use Map
4.17. FEMA Floodzone and CBRA Mapping
4.18. Predicted Tides for 2014
4.19. Ebb and Flood Velocities Computed by FLOW on April 25, 2009
4.20. Residual Flow Vectors Computed for a One-Month, Tide Only Simulation
4.21. 2001-2011 Aerial Photographs of Bald Head Island
4.22. Measured Daily Discharge at the Cape Fear River, 1969-2010
4.23. Location of Wave and/or Wind Measurement Stations
4.24. Wave Data at NOAA Buoy 41013 Located Southeast of Frying Pan Shoals
4.25. Wave Data at the USACE 11-mile ADCP Gauge Located Inside Frying Pan Shoals
4.26. Wave Data at the Oak Island ADCP Gauge Located Inside Frying Pan Shoals
4.27. Wave Data at the Bald Head ADCP Gauge Located Inside Frying Pan Shoals
4.28. WIS Hindcast Stations Relative to the Cape Fear Entrance and Measured Data
4.29. Wave Roses Depicting Hindcast and Measured Wave Conditions in the Study Area
4.30. Computed Sediment Transport Patterns along Bald Head Island
4.31. Reaches of the Federal Navigation Channel Which Routinely Shoal with Beach Compatible Material
4.32. USACE Condition Surveys of the Navigation Channel in the Cape Fear Entrance, 2003 to Present.
4.33. Directional Distribution of the Wave Height at the Oak Island ADCP Relative to the Island’s Dominant Shoreline Orientation of 15 Degrees
4.34. Physical Monitoring Data Collected and Published by USACE at the Hot Spot along Caswell Beach
4.35. Overlay of Measured Areas of Chronic Channel Shoaling Along with Predicted Vectors of Sediment Transport
4.36. Sea Level Trends at Southport, NC (1933-2006) – Adapted from the NOAA Online Data Archive
4.37. CAMA Land Use Plan Infrastructure Map
5.1. Predicted MLLW Shoreline after a 9-year Simulation for Each Alternative
5.2. Predicted Cumulative Sedimentation and Erosion after 9 Years for Alternative 1
5.3. Predicted Cumulative Sedimentation and Erosion after 9 Years for Alternative 2
5.4. Predicted Cumulative Sedimentation and Erosion after 9 Years for Alternative 3
5.5. Predicted Cumulative Sedimentation and Erosion after 9 Years for Alternative 4
5.6. Predicted Cumulative Sedimentation and Erosion after 9 Years for Alternative 5
5.7. Predicted Cumulative Sedimentation and Erosion after 9 Years for Alternative 6
5.8. Estimated MHHW Shorelines after a 9-Year simulation of Each Alternative
5.9. Predicted 3-Year Cumulative Erosion and Sedimentation for the Sand-Filled Tube Groin Plus Beach Fill Scenario & 5.10. Hypothetical Cumulative Volume Changes along the Respective Fill Placement Areas for Project Alternatives 3-6
5.11. Maximum Dune Elevation between Survey Baseline STA 0+00 and 106+00
5.12. Current Habitat Area Mapping and Predicted 9-Yr MHHW Shorelines
5.13. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #1 Existing Habitat Areas
5.14. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #1 Predicted Habitat Areas
5.15. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #2 Existing Habitat Areas
5.16. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #2 Predicted Habitat Areas
5.17. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #3 Existing Habitat Areas
5.18. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #3 Predicted Habitat Areas
5.19. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #4 Existing Habitat Areas
5.20. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #4 Predicted Habitat Areas
5.21. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #5 Existing Habitat Areas
5.22. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #5 Predicted Habitat Areas
5.23. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #6 Existing Habitat Areas
5.24. 9-Yr MHHW Alternative #6 Predicted Habitat Areas
5.25. Peak Ebb Tidal Flow Computed following 1-Month Tide Only Simulation under Terminal Groin with 1.2Mcy Beach Fill and Tube Groins Conditions
5.26. Direct Comparison of Peak Flood Velocities for With and Without Terminal Groin Conditions
5.27. Direct Comparison of Peak Ebb Flows for With and Without Terminal Groin Conditions
5.28. Predicted Cumulative Channel Shoaling within the Limits of Baldhead Shoal Channels 1 and 2 after 9 Years for Each Considered Alternative
5.29. Predicted Change in Channel Shoaling within Baldhead Shoal Channels 1 and 2 relative to that predicted for Alternative 5
5.30. At-Risk Property Assessment Predicted Shorelines, All Alternatives
5.31. At-Risk Property Alternative #1
5.32. At-Risk Property Alternative #2
5.33. At-Risk Property Alternative #3
5.34. At-Risk Property Alternative #4
5.35. At-Risk Property Alternative #5
5.36. At-Risk Property Alternative #6
5.37. Infrastructure Impacts Predicted Shorelines, All Alternatives
Appendix A. SB151 Legislation
Appendix B. Inlet Management Plan
Appendix C. Scoping Documents
Appendix D. USACE Hydrographic Surveys
Appendix E. Project Design Drawings (Proposed Action)
Appendix F. Design Engineering Analysis for Terminal Groin Length
Appendix G. South Amelia Island Terminal Groin – Aerial Photographs
Appendix H. Archaeological Survey and SHPO Letter
Appendix I. Bald Head Island Historic Aerial Imagery
Appendix J. Bird Nesting Data (1984-2011)
Appendix K. Station Location Map
Appendix L. Environmental Consequences Summary Table by Alternative
Appendix M. Fish Larvae Response Model
Appendix N. Sea Turtle Nesting Locations (2007-2011)
Appendix O. Understanding the Costs and Benefits of Shoreline Change
Appendix P. Storm Response Simulation
Appendix Q. Cumulative Effects Analysis