Located west side of the Cape Fear River, two miles downstream from Wilmington on Eagle Island, North Carolina, this facility is a repair yard and a storage area serving equipment on two multi-purpose flood control projects, three low flow water storage - flood control reservoirs, three locks and dams, and all the floating plant owned by the District. The site contains 3.3 acres with 5 buildings and a wharf. The area is enclosed by a 6’ high chain link fence with a security gate at the entrance. Each building is secured by door locks and monitored by security cameras.
The yard is under the supervision and direction of the Operations Branch. The permanent work force at this facility consists of eight full-time employees with additional support from each vessel’s crew.
Three survey parties and several small survey boats are also based at the yard.
The yard facilities include a fully-equipped machine shop, a welding shop, and a warehouse. Two docks and a steel bulkhead afford vessel berthing facilities.
Considerable welding and mechanical work is done at the yard on dredging equipment for the vessels SNELL, MERRITT, CURRITUCK and MURDEN and on machinery and fixtures for the flood control projects, locks, dams, and vessels.