The Regulatory Division is continually improving efficiencies within the Regulatory Program. We are now offering paperless/electronic files as a primary means of accepting project submittals and issuing final agency action. This includes accepting applications for Standard Permits, Letters of Permission, Pre-Construction Notifications (PCN) for Nationwide or Regional General Permits, Jurisdictional Determination requests, No Permit Required requests, Mitigation Bank proposals, and Pre-application meeting requests. While electronic submittals are preferred, we will continue to accept paper documents that meet our file requirements in order to accommodate those with limited computer access. Depending on the project location, applications and other requests listed above should be submitted to the appropriate email address below:
Projects covered by the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office must be submitted to email address: WilmingtonNCREG@usace.army.mil
Projects covered by the Washington Regulatory Field Office must be submitted to email address: WashingtonNCREG@usace.army.mil
Projects covered by the Raleigh Regulatory Field Office must be submitted to email address: RaleighNCREG@usace.army.mil
Projects covered by the Charlotte Regulatory Field Office must be submitted to email address: CharlotteNCREG1@usace.army.mil
Projects covered by the Asheville Regulatory Field Office must be submitted to email address: AshevilleNCREG@usace.army.mil
Projects submitted by or on behalf of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) must be submitted to email address: NCDOT_REG@usace.army.mil
PCN Applications submitted by or on behalf of the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), in which NCDMS is the applicant or co-applicant must be submitted to the following email address: SAWMIT@usace.army.mil. Please submit Jurisdictional Determination requests for NCDMS projects to the appropriate regional Field Office.
Click here for a map showing each field office's area of responsibility.
1. These mailboxes are not for general inquiries, only new project request submittals. Individual Project Managers will no longer be accepting new project request submittals to their respective USACE email accounts.
2. Any follow-up information must be submitted directly to the individual Project Manager responsible for the action and must contain the file number (e.g. SAW-20##-#####) assigned to the project.
3. Do not submit duplicate requests (e.g. email submission and hard copy submission via the postal service) as this scenario will delay processing of your request.
4. If your project requires a 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), then you will need to submit your 401 WQC request to NCDEQ separately OR use the ePCN website discussed in the next item.
5. You may also continue to submit Pre-Construction Notifications via the NCDEQ ePCN website: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/Pre-Construction_Notification_Form. The Corps receives the ePCN submissions electronically from the NCDEQ portal. Choose either the ePCN website OR an email address above when submitting your PCN. Submitting the same PCN to the Corps on both sites will delay processing of your request.
In order for the Corps to process your electronic submittals the following criteria must be met:
1. Structure the email subject line as follows: County, Type of Request, Project Name. For example – Jones, PJD, John Doe Driveway.
2. Submitted as a single PDF file. Multiple requests (i.e.: Jurisdictional Determination and Nationwide Permit) for the same project can be combined in one file.
3. Pages sized no larger than 11" x 17" with all text readable. Pages may be any combination of landscape and portrait.
4. Email addresses for all parties, consultant, applicant, property owner(s), etc.
5. The PDF file cannot be locked or secured and cannot contain active form fields (e.g. macros) or signatures. If a submittal contains active fields or signatures, please use the function "print to PDF". This step will flatten the document and remove active fields and signatures.
6. The PDF must be text searchable.
7. Please try to keep file sizes to a minimum. The mailboxes can only accept files up to approximately 13MB. Larger files can be submitted using either method below:
a. DoD SAFE: https://safe.apps.mil - Please contact the appropriate Field Office below to initiate a request authorization to drop-off a file(s). Authorization notification and instructions will be provided to you via email from the DoD SAFE site. A drop-off authorization is valid for fourteen (14) days. The maximum file size may not exceed eight (8) GB.
b. CD/DVD via postal or courier service addressed to the appropriate Field Office. Do not submit duplicate requests (e.g. DoD SAFE file drop-off submission and hard copy submission via the postal service) as this scenario will delay processing of your request. The Corps cannot accept submittals on any type of flash storage device (e.g. thumb drive, memory stick, etc.).
Not complying with these requirements may delay processing your request. If you do not receive an email response within seven (7) days of submitting your request electronically, please call the appropriate office to confirm receipt. Generally, requests received on a holiday, Saturday, Sunday, or after 2 p.m. on a regular working business day will be counted as received on the next working business day.
Submitting parties are welcome to request a delivery and/or read receipt notification with each email submission.