The Department of Defense (DoD) is responsible for environmental restoration of properties that were formerly owned by, leased to or otherwise possessed by the United States and under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Defense. Such properties are known as Formerly Used Defense Sites (FUDS). The Army is the executive agent for the program and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers manages and directs the program's administration. The scope and magnitude of the FUDS program are significant, with more than 10,000 properties identified for potential inclusion in the program. Information about the origin and extent of contamination, land transfer issues, past and present property ownership, and program policies must be evaluated before DoD considers a property eligible for Defense Environment Restoration Account (DERA) funding under the FUDS program. Environmental cleanup at FUDS properties is conducted in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act.
Camp Butner: The former Camp Butner is located in Granville, Person, and Durham counties in North Carolina. Camp Butner was established by the Department of the Army in 1942 primarily to train infantry, artillery, and engineering combat troops for deployment overseas during World War II. The installation was active from 1942 until 1946. However, training was only conducted through 1943. The installation included approximately 15 live-fire ammunition training ranges, a grenade range, a 1,000-inch range, a gas chamber, and a flame thrower training pad. Munitions used at the site included 2.35-inch rockets, rifle and hand grenades, 20mm through 240mm high explosive (HE) projectiles, 60 and 81mm mortars, and antipersonnel practice mines. Current land usage is the Army National Guard, the State of North Carolina, local municipalities, and private owners. Several removal actions were conducted at the former Camp Butner from 2006 through 2010 and discovered one hundred and forty-six (146) live UXO items. The Remedial Investigation (RI) report, which summarizes the field work to determine the nature and extent of UXO contamination, has been finalized and is available for the public to review. The Feasibility Study (FS), which summarizes potential remedial alternatives to address UXO contamination, has been finalized and is available for the public to review. A Proposed Plan (PP) is being prepared which recommend a remedial action to address UXO contamination. The PP will be presented a public meeting and available for public comment.
Charlotte Naval Ammunition Depot (CNAD): The former CNAD is located in Charlotte, North Carolina (Mecklenburg County). CNAD was established in 1942 by the Department of Navy for the construction of 40mm anti-aircraft ammunition shell loading and assembly. In 1945, production was cut and the operation of the facility was transferred to the U.S. Navy. In 1956, the Naval Depot status was changed from Maintenance to Inactive. At the time of operation, the entire CNAD complex occupied approximately 2,266 acres of land. In 1959, the former CNAD complex was sold to a local partnership and is currently occupied by light industrial and commercial businesses. A trichloroethylene (TCE) vapor degreasing unit was used to remove cutting oil and preservatives from the exteriors of returned shells. Environmental investigations identified volatile organic compounds (VOCs), specifically TCE in the groundwater where the former degreasing operations were performed. Currently, a remedial action is being conducted to address TCE contamination in the groundwater.
Charlotte Army Missile Plant (CAMP): The former CAMP is located in Charlotte, North Carolina (Mecklenburg County). CAMP was established by the Department of Army in 1941 for the production of Nike guided missile and repair parts. During the 1960s, the site was predominately used to produce Nike Ajax and Nike Hercules missile and parts, under the direction of Douglas Aircraft Corporation. In 1967, CAMP was conveyed to a local business and is currently used as an industrial park and trucking distribution center. Environmental investigations determined trichloroethylene (TCE) was detected in groundwater at concentrations which required further action. Currently, remedial technologies are being evaluated to address TCE contamination in groundwater.