Regulatory Permit Program


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Regulatory Public Notices

As used by the Corps, the term "public notice" is an official, required government announcement of a proposed agency action, decision made or under consideration, public hearing or other activity.  Please download the attachment(s) associated with notice for the complete, formatted, public notice with tables, illustrations, maps and plans.

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Mitigation Public Notices

For all public notices pertaining to compensatory mitigation bank proposals or in-lieu fee mitigation sites developed by the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), please go to the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System website at

To access the public notices, first select the Wilmington District from the Filter View drop-down menu in the lower left-hand corner, and then select the Bank & ILF Establishment tab.

Archive: May, 2015
  • SAW-2004-20055

    Expiration date: 6/11/2015

    The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission seeking Department of the Army authorization to discharge 70 cubic yards of clean stone into the Roanoke River to serve as a support for the existing floating dock at the Weldon Boating Access Area, in Weldon, in Halifax County, North Carolina.

  • SAW-2002-31111

    Expiration date: 6/8/2015

    The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from Republic Services of North Carolina, LLC seeking Department of the Army authorization to impact 661 linear feet of stream channel and 0.075 acre of wetland, associated with the continued operation of the existing Foothills Environmental Landfill (Foothills) in the Abingdon community, west of Lenoir, in Caldwell County, North Carolina.

  • SAW-2008-03229

    Expiration date: 6/1/2015

    The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from North Carolina Department of Transportation, Attn: Mr. Richard W. Hancock, P.E., Manager, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch, 1548 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 seeking Department of the Army authorization for the permanent impact to 4,273 linear feet (lf) of stream channel (of which 956 lf of impact is for stream stabilization) , the temporary impact to 631 lf of stream channel and the impact to 0.41 acres of wetlands (0.3 acres of permanent fill, 0.04 acres of excavation, and 0.07 acres of hand clearing), associated with proposed Interstate 85 (I-85) Widening and Interchange Improvements Project (TIP Project No. I-3802A). The proposed project is located along an approximately 7.6 mile corridor along existing I-85 from north of NC 73 (Davidson Highway/Exit 55) to north of SR 2180 (Lane Street/Exit 63), in Cabarrus and Rowan Counties, County, North Carolina.

  • SAW-2006-32842

    Expiration date: 6/1/2015

    The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from American Asset Corporation seeking Department of the Army authorization to grade and fill 0.58 acres of wetlands and 910 linear feet of stream, associated with the construction of Phases II and III of Alston Town Center mixed-use residential and commercial development located in Cary, Wake County, North Carolina.

  • SAW-2013-00537: Renewal/Modification and Issuance of RGP 31

    Expiration date: 4/30/2020

    The DISTRICT ENGINEER, WILMINGTON DISTRICT, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington North Carolina 284032, hereby announces the modification and renewal of Regional General Permit 198200031 (RGP 31), pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). This RGP is effective immediately.