US Army Corps of Engineers
Wilmington District Website

Regulatory Permit Program


2020 Nationwide Permit Renewals

On September 15, 2020, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published in the Federal Register its proposal to reissue the 52 existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and issue five new NWPs.

Nationwide permits are general permits issued on a nationwide basis to streamline the authorization of activities that result in no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects. Many of the proposed NWPs require notification to the district engineer before commencing those activities, to ensure that the activities authorized by those NWPs cause no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects.

2017-2022 Nationwide Permits

This page contains information about the 2017 five year re-authorization of the Nationwide Permits, effective March 19, 2017.  The 2012 authorized Nationwide Permits (NWPs) expired on March 18, 2017.  For minor projects in federal waters and wetlands in North Carolina (NC), the NWPs can be used for specific activities (see list below) provided the work complies with all associated general conditions and regional general conditions. 


For NWPs That Have Reporting Requirements:

Many NWPs in NC require Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) in writing to allow for verification of permit conditions for the work. 

The District and the North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) have developed an electronic Pre-Construction Notification (ePCN) form for current Nationwide Permits (NWP) and Regional General Permits (RGP). The ePCN is an online form which allows all required information to be uploaded and provided to the reviewing agencies electronically.

Similar to previous versions of the Pre-Construction Notification form, the ePCN serves as a joint application satisfying both the USACE and NCDEQ reporting requirements for certain activities authorized through NWPs and RGPs under Sections 401 and 404 of the Clean Water Act, and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbor Act of 1899.

The use of this ePCN is not a USACE requirement. However, the ePCN process is now the preferred method for accepting application information for the permits stated above. If you have additional questions, please contact the USACE at (910) 251- 4633.

The ePCN can be found at the following link:

District Documents

  • Public Notice, dated March 17, 2017, with the Finalized Regional General Conditions for use with 2017 NWPs in the Wilmington District (US waters and wetlands in NC).
  • Consistency Concurrence Letter regarding Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA), dated February 23, 2017, from NC Division of Coastal Management (DCM)
  • Approval Letter from Wilmington District Engineer for 2017 NWPs Use in NC, dated March 7, 2017.
  • Approval Letter from South Atlantic Division Engineer for 2017 NWPs Use in NC, dated March 14, 2017.



Comment Period 

June 7, 2016 - August 1, 2016