US Army Corps of Engineers
Wilmington District Website

Regulatory Permit Program


Nationwide Permits - Authorized 2012

This page contains information about the 2012 five year re-authorization of the nationwide permits. These permits became effective on March 19, 2012. The 2012 authorized Nationwide Permits will expire on March 18, 2017.

History -

12/2/2015:  A NMFS - USACE template for this District (NC) is available to assist permit applicants in determining compliance with General Condition 18 - Protection of Endangered Species

12/3/2014:  On 11/24/14 NOAA NMFS issued a Final (Revised) Biological Opinion (link to HQ USACE) regarding the 2012 NWPs.

District Documents

Wilmington District Final 2012 Regional General Conditions - March 29, 2012

Final Public Notice - Regional Conditions NWP 2012 Approval - March 30, 2012

NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Certifications (exit Corps to DWQ web site)

NC Division of Coastal Management (DCM) CAMA Consistency letter - March 13, 2012

Tribal Section 401 Certification of NWPs letter from EPA Region 4 - April 20, 2012

Transmittal memo from District Engineer to Division Engineer for Regional Conditions - March 12, 2012

Approval memo from Division Engineer to District for Regional Conditions - March 29, 2012
2012 Final Nationwide Permits with corrections (updated 9/21/12) Correction Notice in Federal Register Vol. 77, No. 184 / Friday, September 21, 2012  with mark-ups showing all changes from 2007 (updated 3/1/12 & 9/21/12 - see pg 10 & 39)

Questions and Answers - News Release - Fact Sheet - Summary Table of NWPs

Nationwide Permits (updated 3/1/12 - Federal Register Notice)

Memo from HQ (2/21/12) on guidance for activities that will be provided to DOD Siting Clearinghouse for evaluation of potential effects on military activities.