This request is from the Town of Holden Beach for a terminal groin and beach fill project in waters of the US. The proposed terminal groin is one component of the Town of Holden Beach’s ongoing comprehensive beach management program, described in the Holden Beach 2009 Beach Management Plan. A terminal groin structure on the eastern end of Holden Beach is an alternative that is being considered as the preferred method to reduce the high erosion losses that have historically occurred at the east end of Holden Beach, in addition to proactive sand management of Lockwoods Folly Inlet.
Questions about this project? Contact: Mickey Sugg, Regulatory Project Manager
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) Project Documents
Public Notice for withdrawal of application dated April 19, 2018
Public Notice for Comment Period Extension dated April 13, 2018
Public Notice dated March 15, 2018
Table of Contents, Executive Summary and Signature Page
Sections 1- 7 of the EIS (Section 1: Introduction, Section 2: Purpose and Need, Section 3: Project Alternatives, Section4: Affected Environment, Section 5: Environmental Consequences, Section 6: Avoidance and Minimization, Section 7: References)
Appendices A - E (App A: Scoping Documents, App B: Draft EIS Comments and Responses, App C: USFWS July 2016 Biological Opinion, App D: State Bill 1521 Legislation, App E Inlet Management Plan)
Appendices F and G (App F: Holden Beach Master Plan, App G: Holden Beach Work Plan)
Appendix H: ATM Engineering Analysis
Appendices I - R (App I: Permit Sheets, App J: Resolution, App K: Lockwoods Folly Inlet Historical Aerial Imagery, App L: Annotated Bibliography of Nearshore and Estuarine Fisheries, App M: Bird Nesting Data, App N: Sea Turtle Nesting Locations, App O: Understanding Cost and Benefits, App P: Central Reach Project Permits, App Q: Environmental Consequences Impact Summary, App R: Eastern Channel Shorebird Monitoring Plan)