Regulatory Permit Program


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 Water is Gooood!!!!

Regulatory Public Notices

As used by the Corps, the term "public notice" is an official, required government announcement of a proposed agency action, decision made or under consideration, public hearing or other activity.  Please download the attachment(s) associated with notice for the complete, formatted, public notice with tables, illustrations, maps and plans.

Subscribe to District Public Notices: The Wilmington District maintains an email distribution list of the individuals that are interested in receiving email notifications for all public notices issued by Wilmington District Regulatory Offices. Please click here if you would like to subscribe to our email distribution list.


Mitigation Public Notices

For all public notices pertaining to compensatory mitigation bank proposals or in-lieu fee mitigation sites developed by the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (NCDMS), please go to the Regulatory In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System website at

To access the public notices, first select the Wilmington District from the Filter View drop-down menu in the lower left-hand corner, and then select the Bank & ILF Establishment tab.

Tag: Brunswick County
  • SAW-2012-00040

    Expiration date: 2/24/2014

    The Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District announces a Notice of Availability (NOA) for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and Public Hearing for the Village of Bald Head Island Shoreline Protection Project on Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, North Carolina. We also received a permit application from the Village of Bald Head, North Carolina for this project. This public notice is for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. The main purpose of the proposed project is to address erosion at the western end of South Beach and to thereby protect public infrastructure, roads, homes, beaches, dunes and wildlife habitat. The applicant’s proposed action includes the construction of a 1,900-ft terminal groin as well as creation and maintenance of an updrift sand fillet on the western end of South Beach.

  • SAW-2013-00534

    Expiration date: 10/30/2013

    The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) received an application from Pastor Elmer Bauman of the Waves of Praise Worship Center seeking Department of the Army authorization to discharge dredged or fill material into 0.716 acre of waters of the United States, associated with the construction of a church for Waves of Praise Worship Center in Boiling Spring Lakes, Brunswick County, North Carolina.