Regulatory Permit Program


Wilmington District Compensatory Mitigation



The National System for Compensatory Mitigation

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The Wilmington District regulatory program uses the national system for mitigation information: Regional In-lieu Fee and Bank Information Tracking System - RIBITS

Please note that in order to access bank information, guidance documents, and other data that is specific to the Wilmington District, you must first select the Wilmington District from the District filter tool in the lower left corner of the RIBITS home page.            

Mitigation Quick Links

District Preservation Process

Model Conservation Easement 

Restrictive Covenants Guidance

Declaration of Restrictions

  In NC, the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS), a state Department of Environmental Quality initiative, offers four In-Lieu Fee mitigation programs designed to assist private and public entities comply with state and federal compensatory mitigation for streams, wetlands, riparian buffers, and nutrients.            



Mitigation siteEach year, property owners in North Carolina undertake projects that affect the nation's aquatic resources, which includes rivers, wetlands, streams, lakes, sounds and waters in and offshore North Carolina.  Before property owners may proceed with work that may impact the function and quality of the waters, a permit from the US Army Corps of Engineers is often required to meet the requirements of the Clean Water Act or the Rivers and Harbors Act.  Through the regulatory program, the Corps of Engineers ensures that all associated adverse environmental impacts from work in waters or wetlands are avoided or minimized.  In some cases, the Corps may require compensatory mitigation to offset losses of aquatic resources.

What Is Compensatory Mitigation?

Compensatory mitigation is the restoration, establishment, enhancement, or preservation of aquatic resources for the purpose of offsetting losses of aquatic resources resulting from activities authorized by Corps of Engineers' permits.


   Types of Compensatory Mitigation   
 Restoration Returns natural or historic functions to a former or degraded aquatic environment 
 Establishment Alters an upland site to develop an aquatic resource
 Enhancement Improves the functioning of an existing aquatic resource
 Preservation Protects and maintains an existing aquatic resource through real estate protections or other conservation actions


Sources of Compensatory Mitigation
Mitigation bank One or more sites where aquatic resources such as wetlands or streams are restored, established, enhanced and / or preserved for the purpose of providing compensatory mitigation in advance of authorized impacts to similar resources.
In-lieu fee program A program that involves the compensatory mitigation of aquatic and related terrestrial resources through funds paid to a government or non-governmental natural resource management organization.  In NC, the Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) a state Department of Environmental Quality initiative offers four In-Lieu Fee mitigation programs designed to assist private and public entities comply with state and federal compensatory mitigation for streams, wetlands, riparian buffers, and nutrients.
Permittee-responsible mitigation Individual projects constructed by permittees to provide compensatory mitigation for activities authorized by Corps of Engineers' permits.