Public Affairs Mission

The Public Affairs Office is the initial contact for the public and the media for information about the Wilmington District and its programs, policies, operations and activities. The Public Affairs Office manages the district's public information, command information, and community relations programs. Public Affairs specialists serve in direct support of the district's outreach programs, each responsible for specific geographic and functional areas. Public Affairs staff members prepare information products for both internal and external audiences. The Public Affairs Office supports the district in a wide variety of other activities including the management of the district's web and digital media presence.


Contact Information and Address

For information about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District please call or email the Public Affairs Office;


Our address;

69 Darlington Avenue (just off Market Street)

Wilmington, NC 28403

News Releases

  • Temporary flow adjustments for maintenance work being done at Philpott

    Maintenance work is being performed at Philpott Dam to replace and upgrade the doors which access the generating units.
  • Contract for various environmental services awarded

    The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) awarded an environmental services contract on 30 July 2021 to DDC Construction Services LLC (DBA DDC 4C).
  • Reopening of Visitor Centers

    The visitor centers will be reopening at W. Kerr Scott Lake, Philpott Lake, Falls Lake, B. Everett Jordan Lake, and John H. Kerr Dam and Lake.
  • Philpott Lake and Dam Water Storage Reallocation Public Scoping Session

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, will hold a Public Scoping Session on April 15, 2021 at 6 p.m. at the Henry County Administrative Building, 1st Floor Conference Room, 3300 Kings Mountain Road, Martinsville, VA to discuss a Water Storage Reallocation Feasibility Study at Philpott Lake and Dam located in Patrick, Franklin, and Henry Counties in Virginia. The scoping session will also be broadcast via Facebook live-stream for those unable to attend in person.
  • Philpott day use parks are going cashless

    New autopay machines were installed at two Philpott Lake parks managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). These machines will replace the Honor Vault at Ramp 1 and the gate attendant at Bowens Creek Park. All fees for these parks will be processed through the machines.