Dead or Danger Tree Permit: A specified acts permit may be obtained to cut dead, dangerous or downed trees for use as firewood and/or to eliminate an unsafe condition. The Shoreline Ranger will make a site visit, identify tree(s) to be removed, and issue a permit.
Driftwood Removal Permit: A specified acts permit may be obtained to remove or burn driftwood and other debris accumulated along the shoreline. Burning of piled debris must be accomplished in compliance with all local and state burning laws.
Firewood Permit: In special cases, a firewood permit may be issued to the general public to remove fallen trees or limbs from government property for the use of firewood. All activities and locations are predetermined by a ranger and an individual permit is issued.
Duck Blind Permit: A specified acts permit for duck blinds will be issued on a hunting season basis. Duck blinds will not be allowed near public recreation areas, or where they would create a safety hazard to the public. The permittee will be required to moor the duck blind to the shore or remove it from the reservoir after each use.
To obtain a specified acts permit listed above, you may complete the appropriate application above and hand deliver or mail to the Visitor Assistance Center. For questions or to schedule a site visit with a ranger, contact the Visitor Assistance Center at 336-921-3390. Reference the Shoreline Management Plan 2011 page 26-30 for more information.