US Army Corps of Engineers
Wilmington District Website

W. Kerr Scott Lake’s Shoreline Management Plan benefits adjoining landowners and ensures that the shoreline is maintained in a condition that can be enjoyed by future generations.  An adjoining landowner or prospective landowner can use the plan as a basis for making decisions regarding possible use of Government property for certain authorized purposes and activities.   In preparing this plan, consideration was given to limiting the number and locations of private exclusive use facilities in such a manner that these facilities would not be aesthetically distracting, unreasonably harmful to the environment, or limit the use of the shoreline by the general public.  As an aid to obtaining this objective, a system for classifying portions of the shoreline has been developed.  Under this system, the shoreline is divided into areas that are classified as being either Public Recreation Areas, Protected Shoreline Areas, Limited Development Areas, or Prohibited Access Areas.  These four shoreline areas have been physically marked along the 56-mile shoreline and color-coded on the shoreline allocation map in Exhibit 1.  The shoreline allocations have been made in consideration of Corps of Engineers policies and regulations and their relationship to the physical characteristics of the lake.

Public Recreation Areas

Public recreation areas are those areas designated for commercial concessionaire facilities, Federal, state, or other similar public use.  No private shoreline use facilities and/or activities will be allowed within or near designated or developed public recreation areas.  The term "near" depends on the terrain, road system, and other local conditions, so actual distances must be established on a case-by-case basis.  No modification of landforms or vegetation is permitted in public recreation areas.  (Public recreation area boundaries are shown in red in Exhibit 1)

Limited Development Areas

Limited development shoreline areas are those areas in which private facilities and/or activities may be allowed under a permit.  Modification of vegetation may be allowed only if a permit is issued that specifically authorizes such activity. (Limited development areas are shown in green in Exhibit 1)

Protected Shoreline Areas

Protected shoreline areas are those areas designated to maintain or restore aesthetic, fish and wildlife, cultural, or other natural features in areas that are subject to excessive siltation, erosion, rapid dewatering, exposure to high wind, wave, current action, and/or in areas in which development would interfere with navigation.  No Consolidated Use Permits for floating or fixed recreation facilities will be allowed in protected areas.  Some modification of vegetation by private individuals, such as clearing a narrow meandering path to the water, or cutting dead trees, may be allowed if the activity will not adversely impact the environment or physical characteristics for which the area was designated as protected.  (Protected shoreline areas are shown in yellow in Exhibit 1).

Prohibited Access Areas

Prohibited access areas are those in which public access is not allowed or is restricted for health, safety, or security reasons.  These could include hazardous areas near dams, spillways, hydroelectric power stations, work areas, water intake structures, etc.  No Consolidated Use Permits will be issued in prohibited access areas.  (Prohibited access areas are shown in blue in Exhibit 1).