W. Kerr Scott Lake’s shoreline areas are subject to significant erosion.  Although it is not economically feasible to implement an extensive shoreline erosion control program, the Corps of Engineers is interested in retarding erosion whenever possible.  The Corps’ first priority for its limited erosion control funds are the shorelines associated with developed recreation areas.  However, if individuals, private groups, or non-Federal public agencies desire to perform erosion control on Government property, the Operations Manager may:

  •  Issue a cost-free permit for stabilization work to be completed under applicable Nationwide and/or Regional permits in accordance with Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.


  •  Establish a Cooperating Association Agreement.  Associations are non-profit, tax-exempt corporations whose partnership with the Corps of Engineers results in the enhancement of and contributions to the Corps’ mission, particularly in regard to the natural resource management.  Associations will follow all appropriate Federal, state and local laws and regulations to establish and maintain a non-profit and tax exempt status and must comply with all environmental requirements.  Associations must also have liability insurance.  Associations can aid applicants by providing financial, technical and physical assistance in complying with requirements of this plan as it relates to shoreline erosion control.  The Association may solicit tax-deductible donations from private companies and individuals conducting the above-mentioned activities on public land.


  •  Permits for erosion control may be issued for the life or period of continual ownership of the structure by the permittee and his/her legal spouse.

 Erosion Control Activities

  • Riprap, if used, must be natural stone 6 to 12 inches in diameter and be clean of unnatural materials and building rubble.  Riprap material must be placed on a filter cloth material or bedding stone as approved by the Operations Manager. See Exhibit 17.


  •  All vegetative planting or seeding must be of an approved species.  Grass planting for erosion control will not be mowed.


  •  Retaining walls for the purpose of stabilizing shoreline erosion are normally not permitted, but may be considered if extenuating circumstances exist which prevent the use of other approved methodsRetaining walls require design certification by a state licensed civil or structural engineer experienced in retaining wall construction.  In addition, the proposed design must be reviewed by appropriate personnel within the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers Office.

  •  Work will comply with the following criterion unless waived in writing by the District Engineer:

    • Length will not exceed 500 linear feet of shoreline
    • Volume will not exceed an average of one cubic yard of fill per running linear foot.