Dates of Internship: May through September 2016


John H. Kerr Reservoir is a massive 50,000 acre lake located near Boydton, Virginia. It extends 39 miles up the Roanoke River along 900 miles of wooded shoreline that stretches across three counties in Virginia and three in North Carolina. Throughout the Kerr Lake area, you can find opportunities to boat, fish, camp, swim, picnic, hike, and hunt. The US Army Corps of Engineers operates four campgrounds and eleven day-use facilities for boat launching, swimming, camping and picnicking. Intensive wildlife management techniques are also employed in twenty-six developed areas, consisting of over 10,000 acres of land. These areas provide opportunities for hunting, hiking, and wildlife watching.

The Corps is seeking volunteers for Kerr Lake’s summer interpretive programs! You may volunteer at the Tanner Environmental Education (Nature) Center and give environmental programs and hikes. Programs include school field trips, classroom presentations, weekend events, and campground interpretive programs that highlight Kerr Lake’s ecosystems, wildlife, cultural history, natural resources, and water safety. You may also assist in caring for live reptile and non-venomous snake displays. By volunteering at Kerr Lake, you will gain valuable experience in the Corps’ management of parks and natural resources!  Volunteers will be able to stay in free on-site housing for their service (minimum 300 hours commitment). Partial reimbursement for food and travel costs may be authorized as funding allows.

To Apply


 Select: "Volunteer Opportunities"

 Select: "Virginia"

 Scroll down until you see: "Interpretation & Water Safety Intern/Volunteer"

 Click: "Apply online through"

For More Information, Please Contact:

 Volunteer Coordinator/Park Ranger

 John H. Kerr Reservoir

 US Army Corps of Engineers

  434-738-6143 x 6168