The Operations Manager may issue a cost free permit to facilitate the stabilization of eroding shoreline. All applicants requesting to perform bank stabilization must complete an application with a detailed plan. This will ensure the most appropriate and effective method is used, and all work is in accordance with the Shoreline Management Plan.
Terms and Conditions for Erosion Control
- All work shall be in accordance with the specifications of Paragraph 13, "Bank Stabilization", of the Nationwide Permit Program Regulations. All work must be in compliance with the erosion and sediment control requirements for the appropriate state and/or local government.
- Rip/rap will follow the existing shoreline. Site preparation will be limited to that necessary to obtain proper slope and stability for the project.
- All stone used must be clean quarry stone of an approved size. Stone must be placed on filter cloth material or bedding stone.
- The property line must not be disturbed.
- Any area disturbed that is not protected with rip/rap must be replanted with an approved species of vegetation. In areas where trees or shrubs were present before the work, a tree spacing of fifteen feet by fifteen feet must be re-established within three months of construction completion.
- This permit neither grants exclusive use of Government property nor any other rights or privileges.
- No work shall begin before the Operations Manager or his representative signs the permit.
- If any trees are cut over the permitted size of a vegetation modification permit and the permittee fails to complete the project, he/she must re-establish the vegetation.
Erosion Justification.pdf
Erosion Specifications.pdf