South Atlantic Division - Water Safety

Charleston, Jacksonville, Mobile, Savannah, Wilmington

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Atlantic Division (SAD) welcomes your interest in water safety. We want to encourage our visitors to use caution while boating, fishing, or swimming at our lake and river projects. The information on this page and its links will offer essential information that will help you, your family, and friends have a safe, enjoyable recreational experience at our projects.

Be prepared by wearing your life jackets at all times of the year to ensure you return home safely. Life jackets come in many styles; inflatable suspender and belt type, float coats, fishing vests, paddling vests and more. Choose the right one for you and wear it for those who love you. "Life Jackets Worn…Nobody Mourns."








Many people drown within reach of someone. Learn the signs of someone drowning and how to safely rescue them. Always wear your life jacket when in, on, or near open water (lake, river, etc.) to help ensure you return home safely. #PleaseWearIt

What are the signs?

Head Back, Mouth Open, Not Yelling, Arms Flapping

How to Rescue Someone

Reach, Throw, Row, Don't Go - Call for Help!


Adults check out the "Please Wear It" Facebook site for the latest important water safety information.   For additional resources, check out the website.

You’ll find cartoons and other water safety fun! An excellent program for young children!