Wildlife is a valued resource on Kerr Reservoir. One of the primary objectives in the stewardship of the reservoir and its lands is the protection and enhancement of wildlife habitat. In addition, the natural resources management staff is committed to providing optimum habitat and protection for all threatened and endangered species found within its boundary. The Corps, along with the assistance of many partners such as The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, The National Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited and others, maintain 26 Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) surrounding the lake. Each WMA is open year-round and provides many opportunities for hiking, wildlife viewing, birding, and hunting (in season). Other wildlife viewing opportunities are available throughout the Reservoir. Of particular interest is Buggs Island, which is an important attraction for migrating Bald Eagles.
The Corps of Engineers in cooperation with Clover Power Plant have just installed numerous artificial fish reefs in Kerr Reservoir near the Clarksville, Virginia area. Private individuals may contact our office for a special permit if they wish to install artificial fish habitat within the reservoir.
Fish consumption advisories can be found on the News & Notices page.

Kerr Reservoir encompasses approximately 48,000 acres of forestland. The most common forest type is upland hardwood, the climax forest type for this region, which is dominated by a mix of Oak and Hickory. Pine stands make up approximately 30% of the forested land and include Loblolly, Shortleaf, and Virginia Pine. Mixed stands are also common around the reservoir. Stands of mature bottomland hardwood are found along the floodplains of the Dan and Staunton Rivers. The forest is managed for multiple use. These uses include watershed protection, providing quality recreational areas, wildlife habitat, and to insure continued forest health and productivity.