Link to Jurisdiction web page - revised documents are in "Quick Links" box.
Issue Date: December 17, 2013
Action ID: SAW-2013-02357
The Wilmington District, Corps of Engineers (Corps) hereby announces, to all interested parties, the issuance of the Wilmington Regulatory Division’s Obtaining a Jurisdictional Determination, (Version 2013) and Jurisdictional Determination Request, (Version 2013). These documents supersede the Wilmington District Obtaining a Jurisdictional Determination guidance document, dated July 25, 2005.
The purpose of these documents is to provide the Wilmington District Regulatory Division customers additional information on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdictional determinations, pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act. Most importantly, these documents describe and outline the required procedures for obtaining a Corps jurisdictional determination. These procedures are effective as of the date of this Notice.
Copies of these documents are included with this Notice. In addition, they can be found on our Regulatory website at You may also request hard copies from any of the four Wilmington District Regulatory Field Offices: Wilmington, Washington, Asheville and Raleigh. While there is no comment period associated with this Notice, should you have questions, please contact Ms. Jennifer Frye, Wilmington Regulatory Division, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington, North Carolina 28403, at (910) 251-4923.
US Army Corps
Of Engineers
Wilmington District