Public Notice


Published March 7, 2017
Expiration date: 4/18/2017

SAW-2011-01241 Ocean Isle Beach Shoreline Protection Project

Issue Date: March 7, 2017
Corps Action ID Number: SAW-2011-01241
Release of the Record of Decision for Ocean Isle Beach Shoreline Protection Project
All interested parties are hereby advised that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Wilmington District Regulatory Division has completed its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review process, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act 404(b)(1) analysis, and Public Interest review for the Town of Ocean Isle Beach proposal to construct a 750 lf terminal groin with associated beach fill (fillet) located off of East 3rd Street on the beach front and within the Atlantic Ocean on Ocean Isle Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina. Coordinates in Decimal Degrees: 33.898881° N,
78.389769° W.
The District Engineer has received a request from the Town of Ocean Isle Beach to authorize the implementation of Alternative 5 (Terminal Groin with Beach Fill or the Applicant’s Preferred Alternative), as described in Section 2 of the Record of Decision “Description of Applicant's Proposed Project” and also in Chapter 3 of Final Environmental Impact Statement dated April 2016.
The Record of Decision to authorize the work is posted on the USACE, Wilmington District website at:
The Department of the Army permit for the project has been issued; therefore the USACE is not requesting comments on the Record of Decision.