WEBVTT 00:01.840 --> 00:05.070 GIS in its most simple terms is 00:06.280 --> 00:09.390 it's the science of space it's defining 00:09.770 --> 00:12.439 uh where we are and putting detail to 00:12.439 --> 00:14.600 that . The goal is to put it into 00:14.600 --> 00:16.950 something that's way more um possible 00:16.950 --> 00:19.920 that you can see um in a second or a 00:19.920 --> 00:23.229 minute or so that you get a one screen 00:23.229 --> 00:26.120 visual like they say a picture says 00:26.159 --> 00:28.600 1000 words . You know , years ago it 00:28.600 --> 00:31.290 was the it was . You know it was kind 00:31.290 --> 00:33.401 of a simplified notion of it . Well , 00:33.401 --> 00:35.623 you're taking a , a normal database and 00:35.623 --> 00:37.679 you're applying , you know , a point 00:37.679 --> 00:39.901 line or a polygon to it . You're saying 00:39.901 --> 00:41.901 here's where this particular record 00:41.901 --> 00:44.610 exists in , in space and time , um . 00:45.569 --> 00:47.849 And now you know we're taking that to 00:48.139 --> 00:50.529 really the nth degree . Almost 00:50.529 --> 00:53.099 everything in modern times is to some 00:53.099 --> 00:55.266 degree a spatial database , you know , 00:55.266 --> 00:57.377 everything has some spatial component 00:57.377 --> 01:00.520 nowadays , so we've . We've opened up 01:00.520 --> 01:03.279 the frontier now . Representation of a 01:03.279 --> 01:06.750 lot of data and uh processing it down 01:06.750 --> 01:10.440 and being able to make uh data driven 01:10.839 --> 01:13.709 um decisions quickly . Um , a lot of 01:13.760 --> 01:16.510 the data I'm doing here is also a lot 01:16.510 --> 01:20.019 of um situational awareness . Um , and , 01:20.040 --> 01:22.279 and , and it's complexities on top of 01:22.279 --> 01:24.500 complexities . I mean just the . Just 01:24.500 --> 01:26.722 the fact that we're sitting here in the 01:26.722 --> 01:28.778 Appalachians , uh , the fact that we 01:28.778 --> 01:30.944 have hill country , we have flats , we 01:30.944 --> 01:33.639 have just a , a , a metric ton of 01:33.639 --> 01:36.349 different waterway sizes and shapes and 01:36.349 --> 01:40.220 varieties and not to mention the . The 01:40.220 --> 01:42.220 damage that occurred to those , you 01:42.220 --> 01:44.699 know , you have , you have waterways 01:44.699 --> 01:46.532 that float a certain way for for 01:46.532 --> 01:48.588 decades that have been and sometimes 01:48.588 --> 01:50.755 completely reshaped by the events that 01:50.755 --> 01:53.209 occurred . Uh , it's , it's so 01:53.379 --> 01:55.419 meaningful work . I'm working the 01:55.419 --> 01:57.363 emergencies , you know that you're 01:57.363 --> 02:00.419 having an impact , um , like from that 02:00.419 --> 02:02.641 day and that it's being used and you're 02:02.641 --> 02:04.819 helping the communities . It means a 02:04.819 --> 02:06.763 lot . It makes me passionate about 02:06.763 --> 02:06.540 working .